Spring Floral Arranging Workshop with local florist, Just Anne Flowers
Wednesday 19th March | starting at 11:30am lasting approx. 2 hours
Tickets: £50 per person
Learn first hand how to create your own stunning bouquet as talented local florist and owner of Just Anne Flowers, Anne, leads you through how to prepare and arrange a selection of sensational spring flowers. Perfect for all levels and a wonderful early Mother's Day celebration.
Your ticket includes:
A choice of spring mocktail or tea/coffee on arrival at 11:30am
Creative flower arranging workshop with hands on instruction and tips from Anne, followed by the chance to gain expert advice in a Q&A.
A selection of nibbles throughout
Your own luxury spring flower arrangement to take home
How to book
This event will take place in one of our charming private rooms, and therefore places are limited to 15 people. We recommend booking as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
To book, please email functions@theswanatlavenham.co.uk or call reception on 01787 247477