We understand that it can be a little overwhelming with so many wonderful suppliers to choose from and not knowing where to start! We are proud to hold long-standing relationships with some of Suffolk's most talented wedding suppliers and would be more than happy to help you choose the perfect fit for you. From photographers and live bands, to locally made cakes and incredible bouquets, we can't list them all, so please don't hesitate to ask to see our complete list.
Wedding Makeup
Pretty Faces | www.prettyfacesmakeup.co.uk
Phone: 01787 312932 Email: emma@prettyfacesmakeup.co.uk
Emma B Beauty | www.emmabbeauty.com
Phone: 07496 422397 Email: emmabmakeup@hotmail.com
Wedding Cakes
Marnie's Bakery | www.marniesbakery.co.uk
Phone: 07895141025 Email: marniesbakery@gmail.com
Instagram: www.instagram.com/marniesbakery
Wedding Photography
Lottie Photography | https://lottiephotography.com/
Phone: 07884232637 Email: info@lottiephotography.com
Gregg Brown Weddings | greggbrownweddings.com
Phone: 07786 110307 Email: greggbrownphotography@gmail.com
Wedding Florists
Tulipa Botanica | www.tulipabotanica.co.uk
Phone: 07946 213938 Email: tulipabotanica@btinternet.com
Just Anne Flowers | justanneflowers.co.uk
Phone: 07732018455 Email: anne.brown48@hotmail.co.uk
Cheryl's Flowers | www.cherylsflowers.co.uk
Phone: 07929 857646 Email: sales@cherylsflowers.co.uk