Spa Guru Blog

New arrivals at Lavenham Spa
05 September 2023
New Temple Spa treatments to balance and brighten - now available at Weavers' House Spa.
Mums Spa Offer
23 August 2022

The Festive Spirit
08 December 2021
Weavers’ House Spa Director Alex Hurt states "with our ‘wellbeing hat’ firmly on, making others feel good is our business."
Time to Think Festive
15 October 2021
Weavers’ House Spa Director Alex Hurt shares what’s new & exclusive at the spa and with the festive season fast approaching we have a gift for you.
All Things New
01 October 2021
Weavers’ House Spa Director, Alex Hurt, introduces our new treatment menu - The Cure, solely focusing on wellbeing and how we can support you.
Spa-ing Post Lockdown
05 April 2021
Weavers’ House Spa Director, Alex Hurt, takes us on a discovery of the re-opening of Weavers’ House Spa and what it will mean ‘to spa’ post lockdown.
Healthily Hopeful
03 November 2020
To be ‘healthily hopeful’ means that we ditch our unrealistic expectations, focus on what can go well for us, and set our sights on what we can control. What's stopping you?
Brand New World
05 October 2020
We find ourselves in a different world and a life away from where we were. We have a gift. How will you use yours?
Is it time you had a hug?
11 September 2020
"Touch when you have it is underrated. When you don’t, it’s the human connection we crave..."
‘Re-Invention’ of spa-aaahhhing
17 August 2020
Welcome back, what a journey we have all been on! From deep cleaning, to repainting, baking (banana bread has never been so popular), dressing up for grocery shopping or indeed not getting dressed at all, how have you faired?
Welcome Home
18 July 2020
Whilst spa-aahhing may look different, our mantra will always remain the same. Weavers’ your second home, is your safe haven. We will do the thinking, so you don’t have to. We focus on your safety every step of the way, easing you out of lockdown and into your own state of wellbeing.
Coronavirus Update
21 March 2020
With heavy heart we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close the doors of Weavers' House Spa. Due to the outbreak of Coronavirus COVID-19, the health and well-being of both our clients and our Folk members, are our top priority at this incredibly challenging time.
Celebrate our 5th birthday
06 March 2020
Weavers’ House Spa Director launches some new initiatives to celebrate their 5th birthday. "Wow, we can’t quite believe it. We have been relaxing you for a whole five years!"
Breakfast for the Soul
21 February 2020
Weavers' House Spa Director, Alex Hurt, tells us all about our first of many Wellness Events and how she had the pleasure of sharing a memorable morning with some pretty amazing women.
Mother Nature This March
05 February 2020
Alex Hurt Weavers’ House Spa Director explores how we should treat mother nature this March. "She’s angry, isn’t she? She seems frustrated with us all. We haven’t been behaving ourselves..."
The Power of Two
16 January 2020
Alex Hurt Weavers’ House Spa Director explores The Power of Two. Life can be lonely, as you enter it alone and you leave it alone. You can also choose to live it alone, or the lone life chooses you. This brings me to ‘the power of two’...
Finding Freedom
16 December 2019
Alex Hurt Weavers’ House Spa Director explores finding freedom and trusting your gut. "The promise of a new year, a new chapter, new outlooks and a time of reflection holds great hope."
Three Wishes
19 November 2019
Alex Hurt Weavers’ House Spa Director explores three wishes for the season "So, Christmas is coming, and it got me thinking about wishes..."
Brand-new Zeitgeist Treatment
24 October 2019
Alex Hurt Weavers’ Spa Director launches a Brand-new Zeitgeist Treatment "Just breathe…It’s intense isn’t it? Life. Sometimes everything is manageable and other times it’s overwhelming..."
How We Can Get A Good Night’s Sleep
11 September 2019
Alex Hurt, Weavers’ House Spa Director looks into how we can really get a good night’s sleep. "Catching those zzz’s seems to be a hot topic, with some recent research linking this with life expectancy."
How Energy Affects us all
27 August 2019
"You can’t see it, but you feel it. That invisible power, that is the lifeforce of the planet. We throw the word ‘energy’ around, without truly understanding the meaning" Weavers’ House Spa Director Alex Hurt explores how energy affects us all.
Massage Re-Visited
26 July 2019
Why is it that everyone is more stressed out than ever? Or are we? Perhaps it’s simply because we talk about it more now. Mental health, well-being and exercise are all hot topics - Massage Re-Visited by Alex Hurt
Introducing New Spa Memberships...
13 June 2019
Weavers’ House Spa Director Alex Hurt explains how to use their spa facilities and introduces new spa memberships..!
Summer Skin and Bumpy Bits
23 May 2019
Weavers’ House Spa Director Alex Hurt celebrates summer skin and bumpy bits, Are we ever bikini ready? What does that even mean?
The way to really switch off
17 April 2019
Alex Hurt Weavers’ House Spa Director explores how to really unplug and invest in yourself
We've Cracked It!
26 March 2019
Happy Birthday to us! Four years strong and we are committed to making everyone at Weavers’ feel amazing. We will be celebrating with the introduction of five new exclusive massages! COMING SOON!
Video: Meet The Weavers' Team
05 March 2019
Watch our new video and meet the team who make Weavers’ so special.
Pampering For Mamas-To-Be
05 March 2019
Calling all hot mamas-to-be in need of some TLC…
Introducing Some ‘Sole Therapy’ And ‘Tension Tamers’
05 March 2019
Release the tension and tame the sole with some of the new treatments now available at Weavers’ House Spa.
Switch Off On Holiday And Maintain Your Zen On Return To Work
05 March 2019
The feeling of being away from your everyday reality, a vacation free of your daily responsibilities is a tonic.
A Day In The Life Of A Spa Therapist
05 March 2019
It takes a certain type of person to be a therapist. They’re most likely to be an empath, as they spend their days purely focused on others.
Rescuing Superheroes!
05 March 2019
The super powers of parenting and the need for adult time.
Find Your Spirit Goals
05 March 2019
How has your life mapped out, is it anything like you planned? Have you noticed how life evolves and plans are swept aside?
Exploring The True Meaning Of Christmas Spirit
05 March 2019
It’s the most wonderful time of the year.
Surviving Christmas
05 March 2019
Dinners, parties, shopping and socialising… oh, what a month!
Meditation And Mindfulness
05 March 2019
Our work, children or interests manage to capture our attention for long enough to take us away from our worry-list, however, what happens when we stop?
Massaging Techniques
05 March 2019
Explore The Roots And Learn The Basics Of Massaging Techniques
The Cost Of Quality Time
05 March 2019
With Mother’s day approaching, we got to thinking… Every year we dash around at the last minute for a card, flowers or chocolates… but isn’t that a cop-out?
How Reiki Can Benefit Everyone
05 March 2019
Julieanne Cresswell will be offering 1-1 meditation and Reiki at Weavers’ House Spa
The Benefits Of A Little ‘Spa’ Retail Therapy
05 March 2019
Sometimes we have a spring in our step and at other times we need a magic wand.
How To Get A Handle On Anxiety, Before It Handles You
05 March 2019
There’s this knot that lives inside of me, right in the middle. Sometimes I don’t even know it’s there, and other days it talks to me when I wake up.
Meet The Spa Guru...
05 March 2019
We took some time to get to know the Spa Guru and delve a little deeper asking the questions you’ve told us you want to know.
Exploring The Role Of A Father
05 March 2019
With every other month holding a ‘special day’ to celebrate and cash-in, Father’s Day continues to stand strong (much like dads) since 1972.
Our Guru Writes A Letter To Her Younger Self
05 March 2019
If you could go back and do it all again, what would you change?
The Reasons Why You ‘Knead’ A Massage
05 March 2019
Massage is considered a luxury to most, something to indulge in. However, there are multiple health benefits that I feel need to be explored...
Giving Back
05 March 2019
Sharing skill sets by training Ugandan girls and women to develop skills that will set them up for a successful future- with the Charity Born to be Beautiful.
Are You Spa Spooked?
05 March 2019
‘Will I have to wear paper underwear? Will it fit me? Do I even have to wear underwear? I haven’t shaved my legs’!
The Recipe For An Unforgettable Spa Experience
05 March 2019
When the word ‘spa’ is whispered, it conjures up images of peace, tranquillity and feel good vibes. This, ‘our stage’, is where we perform at our peak.
The Season Of Gifting
05 March 2019
‘Where do we draw the line at gifting? Is it too much, will it be enough? How much should I spend? Surely, it’s the thought that counts?
It's A Kind Of Magic
05 March 2019
Rewind your mind to when you were a child, and for most of us Christmas was the most magical time of the year…
January's Detox Delights
05 March 2019
And Breathe… the festivities are over! I am not going to bang on my detox drum, but I am going to let you into a little secret…
Loving Your Mind
05 March 2019
Love, such a BIG, but little word. Love actually is… all around (to quote the movie), and to be loved is truly one of life’s most precious feelings.
Mum-To-Be For Mother's Day
05 March 2019
We are celebrating mums-to-be this March, because we want to share how we can hold your hand through this nine month stretch with so many changes
A Moment With Temple Spa
04 March 2019
Temple Spa’s Managing Director Liz talks us through some of their best products.
Spa Cocktails
04 March 2019
Becky and Phillip introduce the new cocktail range for the launch of Weavers’ House Spa.
One Year Wonderful
04 March 2019
We celebrated our first birthday with a fabulous sparty!
Dare To Be Bare This Summer
04 March 2019
We share some top tips for achieving a safe tan this summer.
Natural Skincare Remedies
04 March 2019
Whip up some spa-worthy natural skincare remedies this summer.
Trend Alert: Healing Crystals
04 March 2019
Our Spa Guru explains the hot new trend for healing crystals.
The Power Of Touch
04 March 2019
When life gets tough, we all need some pampering attention to feel like ourselves again.
Ground Breaking Recovery Treatments
04 March 2019
We’re thrilled to introduce new spa treatments for those affected by cancer.
12 Tips For Surviving Christmas
04 March 2019
The Christmas party season is upon us….
Double Accolades From The Good Spa Guide
04 March 2019
We’re very proud to announce that we have received a double accolade from the Good Spa Guide’s 2016 awards.
Flawless Fairytale Skin For Your Wedding Day
04 March 2019
Did someone pop the question? Our Spa Guru explains how to get flawless bridal skin.
Weavers' 2nd Birthday Celebrations
04 March 2019
Weavers’ turns 2 this April!
Weavers' House Spa Director Alex Hurt catapults us into January
18 February 2019
And Breathe… the festivities are over! I am not going to bang on my detox drum, but I am going to let you into a little secret...